Join us as we replay the meet-up recording from the 11-10-11 Carolina Hauntings Apparitions and Poltergeist Society meet-up. At this meet-up we listened to a presentation by Dr. Mark about EVP analysis and interpretation. George Matthis also made a presentation talking about various EVP analyzing programs out there on the web that you can use to filter out various background noise.
Nicole and I will also review the various paranormal news stories that have been going on since Halloween. The paranormal/Ufology world is abuzz from recent events and interviews on Coast to Coast AM, we will weigh in on it as it pertains to secret programs that some claim that sent people to Mars in the early eighties and even sent President Obama to Mars.
As you know our partnership with INSPIR and CHAPS allows us access to some of the best paranormal researchers and minds in the Carolinas. That being said please check out both of those sites and join us every second Thursday of the month for the monthly Meet-Up in your in the area of Raleigh, NC on vacation or just interested in joining a great group of scientific minded paranormal researchers. Just tell them you heard of them on The Mind Cemetery!
See you Tonight at 11pm Eastern LIVE! on
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